About Che Cosa ?

“2023年12月22日Grand Open!
「Che Cosa ? – ケ コーザ – Produced by 優」
A casual evolutionary osteria bar in Chitose Karasuyama by an Italian chef and a Yakitori owner,
For girls night out, boys night out, date night!
We also have a seating area for the whole family to enjoy.

「ラーザ―ニャケコーザ」や「にんにくまるごとブランデー蒸しとカマンベールのアルフォルノ」などのイタリアンシェフ渾身の逸品や、「白醤油 de カルパッチョ」や「塩あずきとマスカルポーネの白和え」などの小洒落た居酒屋メニューに加えて、冷菜アイテムを竹串に指して1号店をオマージュした「スピエディーノ」をご用意。
もちろん「The AOP 〜アーリオ・オーリオ ペペロンチーノ〜」や「白トリュフ香る!燻製パンチェッタのカルボナーラ」などのパスタメニューに加え、「マルゲリータ」「サルシッチャとオリーブ」のピザ、「イカ墨魚貝土鍋ごはん」「擦りたてパルミジャーノ・レッジャーノとトレビスのロゼリゾット」のご飯もお召し上がりいただけます。
Lineup of dishes that is appropriate for an evolving osteria bar, ranging from izakaya-like dishes with strong Italian elements and variations, to dishes with Japanese elements.
In addition to the Italian chef’s best dishes such as “Lasagna” and “Brandy Steamed Garlic and Camembert Al Forno,” and stylish izakaya dishes such as “White Soy Sauce de Carpaccio” and “Salt Azuki and Mascarpone Tofu paste”, the menu also includes cold dishes such as “Spiedino” with a bamboo skewer paying homage to the first restaurant, “Spiedino” is also available.
Of course, “The AOP – Aglio Olio Peperoncino” and “White Truffle Fragrance Carbonara with Smoked Pancetta”, “Margherita” and “Salsiccia and Olives” pizzas, and “Rice in a clay pot with squid ink and fish and shellfish” and “Rosé Risotto with freshly rubbed Parmigiano Reggiano and Treviso” rice dishes are also available.

Beverages are prepared izakaya style, from Suntory “PSB” and Italian beer to a wide variety of sours, including fresh lemon sours and tea wari, commonly known as “Midori (green tea wari)”.
And as for the all-important wines, our lineup is centered on wines from the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. We always have 3 to 4 kinds of red, white, and sparkling wines in stock, all of which are well balanced and are prepared by an importer who loves Italian wines.
One of the most unusual wines which is always fresh from the server “Fresh Barrel Lambrusco”. Normally, microbubblies can only be ordered by the bottle, but at Che Cosa, We are served by the glass. In addition, we always have three types of SAKE that goes well with our dishes available to try by the glass.